
Hungry to change your relationship with food
(& yourself?)


I’m Michèle Favarger, Your WILDFIT® Coach

I’m a Canadian living between Mexico and Victoria, Canada (a little spice & everything nice). Lover of adventure, eclectic cuisine, and travel. Caregiver to fur baby Chula, our Mexican rescue. Life partner to Erik. As previously disconnected, overweight, and unhealthy (think unruly diagnosis x5) – I’ve come to know there’s much more depth, enjoyment, and richness with food freedom enabling you to Lean into Life.

If you desire to be healthy, feel more energized, and wish to no longer feel hungry, you’ve come to the right place. 

To discover food freedom, build confidence, and be your best self.


A place where you’ll unlearn everything society taught you about your body, wellness, and food.

Where you can rid yourself of calorie counting, yo-yo dieting, and guilt, to permit yourself to rid the residue of being told to “take these meds, measure your caloric intake and NEVER eat that.”

A critical element of the WILDFIT® 90-Day Challenge, it’s that you’re never hungry.

  • We do not shell out food journals.
  • We do not count calories.
  • We do not weigh food.

Your body will learn to crave nutritious meals.

You will achieve life-altering results you never thought possible with ease.

At WILDFIT®, we are a community. 

As a WILDFIT® Coach, the resources and ongoing support I provide have nothing to do with a quick fix or maintaining your current lifestyle: your health, happiness, and nutrition mean so much more than that.

If you’re anything like me, you want more out of life. You’re ready to end rigid diets, oppose costly supplements, and say good-bye to over-the-top exercise regimes. 

And so I know you’re here for the right reasons, I’ll ask if you’re after food freedom and long-lasting results? Because I don’t coach just anyone.

I support individuals who are eager to…

  • Become more energized & embrace life
  • Seek adventure, food exploration & flavour
  • Do away with traditional diet plans
  • Embrace fat-burning mode
  • Ditch the bingeing of food
  • Strengthen your body & mind 
  • Boost your immune system 
  • Avoid the afternoon slump

Does this sound like you? Fantastic! Stay with me…

If you feel powerless to walk past the foods you know aren’t good for you, the WILDFIT® program teaches you to gain Food Freedom and sustain life-long results. 

If you do as I ask, and haven’t progressed at the end of the WILDFIT® 90-day challenge – you’ll get a full money-back guarantee. 

Through WILDFIT®, I’ll help you partner with your body to heal and overcome what ails you. To look and feel better.

Curious how you can discover (& unlock) food freedom?

I help you move beyond limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits to become unstuck. 

Together, we unlock an innovative process of health and wellness while you begin to understand how the foods you eat can have extraordinary life-changing results. 


“Michele has always been passionate about sharing the good things in life and has a special talent for helping people create change, seemingly without effort. She’s an excellent communicator and a great coach. I have no hesitation in recommending Michele to help guide you.”

– Marilyn Weland